Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Dancing Whale

The Incredible Shrinking Bren = The Dancing Whale

I decided to do a little physical activity today and danced for about 13 minutes. I must have looked ridiculous. My heart was beating nice and strong and I was a sweatin'! But my legs got too tired and it was time to stop! I danced to Ke$ha - Take It Off, Far East Movement - Like a G6, and Adam lambert - For Your Entertainment.

Well I suppose if I start doing that twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon before I pick my daughter up from school, that would almost be 1/2 hr a day. Good start. I'll do this for a couple of weeks, then try to do 4 songs instead of 3 each time.

My reflux prob seems to be under control thank goodness. After i started taking that Mylanta after lunch, dinner and before bed, I haven't had any heartburn or lump in my throat! I love you Mylanta!

Something I haven't mentioned before is that I own my own home based craft business. It's been in the works for almost 2 years now, and finally at the end of next month I will be going to my first market. In my next post, I'll upload some pics of what I make. I think I want to go to Dapto Markets down near Wollongong (South of Sydney Australia). They are cheap to set up in and don't require insurance (already included). Overall, it looks really great - DAPTO MARKETS

Well off to get crafting, I only have 5-6 weeks left and need to make approx 50 more things! EEK!

Friday, February 11, 2011


The last few weeks I have been battling some kind of reflux problem. It all started on New Years Eve when I drank 2 bottles of champagne by myself. I know - ridiculous! The next day I had an upset stomach, so naturally I assumed it was a hangover. But it went on to the next day and next day. I had about 4 days straight of upset stomach, then after that it came back every other day until around Jan 10th when I began having wicked heartburn. This went on for about 2 weeks and then I started getting this lump at the bottom of my throat. I went to the hospital because it scared me, I didn't know if my throat was closing up or what.

Anyway it turns out that the lump is from the heartburn (called globus) and was given tablets to get rid of it. They worked great but started giving me heart trouble, so I had to go off them. Now I try to watch what I eat and only eat small meals, but I am still getting the lump every day or so and a funny heartburn feeling too. I just bought some Mylanta for heartburn/reflux yesterday, I hope that can settle it down until my appt. with the Gastro Doc on Mar. 5th.

I've noticed that in the last few days I ahven't been able to eat much. I get full really fast, must have something to do with the reflux. Oh well, I guess it'll help me lose weight if I can't really eat!

I wonder if all this is due to my weight, probably. Unless that New Years Eve champagne did something serious to my stomach?? I guess we'll see....

Monday, February 7, 2011

Woohoo! (and Measurements yikes!)

Woohoo! I have lost 3.3kgs (7.3lbs)! My weight is now 162kgs (357lbs)....I know, I have A LONG WAY to go, but it's a start! It's also the kind of encouragement I need right now! yay me :)

Ok my measurements (yikes):

Neck - 17 inches (43cm)
Left Upper Arm - 18 inches (45.5cm)
Right Upper Arm - 18 inches (45.5cm)
Left lower Arm - 13 inches (33cm)
Right Lower Arm - 13 inches (33cm) well at least my arms are symmetrical haha!
Bust/Upper Back - 60 inches (152.5cm)
Waist /Lower Back - 57 inches (145cm)
Upper Stomach/Belly button- 61 inches (64cm)
Hips/Lower Stomach - 68 inches (172.5cm) :(
Left Thigh - 34 inches (86cm)
Right Thigh - 33 inches(84cm)
Left Calf - 18 inches (45.5cm)
Righ Calf - 18 inches (45.5cm)

Wow that was a bit depressing....when measuring my hips and lower stomach area, the tape wouldn't even go all the way around! :(

Ok, that's it! My FIRST GOAL will be to fit that meauring tape all the way around!! I'll try and do that before my birthday (which is April 28th). That gives me 11 weeks to do it!!

Good luck to me :)

Friday, February 4, 2011


Well there has been a delay in my weight loss plans. We've had some financial difficulties and I've been quite stressed with my Dad starting his cancer treatments. But now I am settled and ready to get on with it, especially since my 5 year old daughter has just started Kindy (what we call Kindergarten in Australia) :).

I still haven't taken my measurements, but will later today. And I will post them here to remind me how god awful they are!!

As for exercise, in the coming weeks I will finally get to join the gym (which has a pool), so I can begin doing walking laps. My husband was also nice enough to buy me Zumba for the Xbox , so as soon as Monday comes, I'll be trying that everyday my kids are at school. I don't want to do it while they're home because i'll be embarrassed. I'll look like a whale trying to dance, that can't be pretty!

Throughout my life there have been so many humiliating or embarrassing things that have happened to me due to being overweight. Ok I'm not overweight, I am morbidly obese. I need to face up to these 2 words as much as I am scared to do so.

Morbidly Obese.

That almost brings a tear to my eye...."sigh". I'll try not to dwell on the words. I will defeat them! It will take me a long time, but I am making a promise to myself that it will happen.

I will have some minor goals to achieve throughout the next 11 months, but the big one at the end will be to weigh 120kgs. That means I have 11 months to lose 45kgs, which is a whopping 100 lbs.

I think my first goal should be to fit into the size 26 jeans I bought off ebay 2 months ago. It's pretty depressing when you can't even fit into size 26 :(

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Good Start

Well it's been a rough few months. I found out my Dad has got prostate cancer. Since I live across the ocean, I can't exactly go there and visit him. He starts radiation in January and has to do 2 months of it. At least it's better than chemo. I just hope it works for him. The docs say he's got a 60-70% chance. I try and stay positive but that leaves 30-40% he won't be cured.

I find when I'm stressed, I eat. Definitely an emotional eater I suppose, since I also eat when happy. I have been watching a lot of Dr. Oz shows to gain some inspiration and it seems to be working. I think when I wake up tomorrow, I'm really going to change everything.

One weightloss tip I've heard is to fill your plate as you normally do, but then stick 1/2 of it onto another plate for your next meal. I guess if one eats half of what they are used to eating, they WOULD lose weight. It sounds like a good start.

I also want to start going to the pool and just walk laps. I'm not a swimmer but surely walking in the resistance of the water for 30-45 mins a few times a week is good for me? I also think this would be a good start as it's better on the joints than normal walking is.

I also need to start eating a lot of fruits and veggies....at least 3-4 servings. I think 2 servings of each should be good to start.

OK, so that's my first plan...eat half of what I normally eat including 4 servings of fruit/veg and do some water resistance walking 3-4 times a week. I'll do it for a month and see what happens. Tomorrow or Friday I'm going to take down all my measurements so I can get an accurate read of how much I'm losing, whether it be weight, inches, etc.